Friday, February 22, 2008

Bringing an Unmarried Partner to Europe

I recently had the following question com in to the website. It was well thought out and on-target... just the kind of email which is easy to respond to.

From Sally:

Dear Joe Freeman,

I briefly read over your article "Europe Wants You : Opportunities for Working in Europe are Expanding for Non-European Citizens."

I was hoping you could point me in a good direction. I am looking to go live with my boyfriend in the south of Ireland, I will have living accomodations and a means of travel, but would still like to get a job that will improve my resume. I am a recent college graduate with an economics degree. Right now I am in insurance, and could make a change, so it's really about being with my boyfriend.

Thank you so much,

My response:

Dear Sally,

Reading your email, I think you might have a few options. Things depend on your boyfriend's nationality, if he's Irish or a national of another EU country, you will probably have more options than if he isn't.

If he is (Irish/EU), then look into what possibilities there are for unmarried couples in Ireland. It used to be that only those who were married could apply for family reunification, but this may have changed. I do know that it's possible to live as an unmarried couple in the UK, Belgium, Netherlands or Sweden. The local conditions vary, though, as to what officials will deem a solid relationship and what kind of evidence
they're looking for.

You also might look into a program run by BUNAC which allows you to work in Ireland for up to four months and gives you a work permit from the get-go. (So, if you want to take up a job in Ireland, you can and, temporarily, don't need a work permit.)

Best regards,


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