Saturday, September 20, 2008

Extensions, extensions

Things have been going well with a new project that I'm working on for the website. In the meantime, though, I haven't been able to update as much as I want.... so, I extended everyone's memberships by six months for free. If you're a member, keep checking back, and rest assured that your membership is good well into 2009.

If you're not a member, think about becoming one... get details on work permits and more!

Friday, August 15, 2008

How Do I Get a Job and a Work Permit?

The website often gets questions about how people can find jobs and why headhunters often don't want to deal with them despite excellent qualifications. I'm working on a project which help exactly answer this question, and you'll notice some changes to the website over the next few weeks. We'll be announcing the changes here, but if you want to be the first to know all the details, have a look at what our book for expatriates and newsletter have to offer...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Update Out

European Union Blue Card timetable, new eased work permit conditions in Germany, changes to laws in Belgium, Spain and the Czech Republic... that means we've been at it again.... with another update over at the website! With the purchase of one book at the site or over at, you get six months of free updates. There's a big one coming in late July/ early August, so don't be late. There's so much material in our book that you will still be reading it by the time the next edition comes out...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Study Says Europe Needs to Attract the Skilled

I ran across this article on Euractiv, which is kind of a Brussels site for policy wonks. It said that a recently study from the Center for Transatlantic Relations shows that Europe is 'a magnet for the low-skilled'. I’m paraphrasing parts of the article here, since it is interesting.

“As globalisation puts increasing pressure on the European economy, business representatives discussed the best ways to maintain the EU's competitiveness at a conference in France. A key issue is how to attract higher skilled workers from abroad, EurActiv France reports… The vast majority of foreign migrants settling in the EU from developing countries are poorly-qualified (85%), it found. But highly-qualified workers choose the US, where they constitute 55% of foreign labour compared with 5% in Europe.”

This is interesting, but hardly surprising. Europe has traditionally said no on work and residency permits to just about everyone, but those from poor countries have still found their way in. If you’re going to attract highly-skilled people, you need to make it easy for them. At present, just about every European country goes its own way on the topic.

However, the fact that they are implementing these programs means that there is probably going to be some different conclusions if the study were to be run again in just a few years. When I first studied in France two decades ago (I'm not that old BTW), it wasn't possible to stay. Now, the country has a work permit free program for graduates and for those with jobs in certain sectors. Even the Czech Republic has had its own program of work permits and Green Cards, and it's going further later this year.

European governments are working to change things around.

“The French intend to push for the establishment of a common European immigration policy while at the EU's helm, including plans for an 'EU Blue Card' to encourage more high-skilled immigration,” says the article. Which is good, since the Blue Card would be a boon to companies of many sizes. At the same time, countries will still be able to do their own thing.

"There will always be winners and losers of globalisation but it has given a lot to Europe and particularly France," said Daniel Hamilton, the author of the Center for Transatlantic Relations study and a professor at Washington, DC's John Hopkins University. If citizens are to continue to support globalisation, then a social system to protect them from it must be developed at the same time, he added. Hamilton called on France to strengthen its support for small and medium-sized enterprises and invest more in research and development to improve its competitiveness in the global market.”

The thing is that Europe has marketed itself for so long as being closed and impossible to get to, that just telling people about all the changes and beneficial new work and residency programs could be a full time job in and of itself.

Here's a link to the original article.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

New Projects and Hacks at UPI

I haven't been updating since I've been at work on a new project. If it sees the light of day, it will be a step ahead for our website and be really, really cool.

In the meantime, UPI said the following in a recent article on suggestions by French President Nicolas Sarkozy about setting Europe-wide standards in immigration laws: “Sarkozy has outlined plans for a Europe-wide clampdown on immigration when France assumes EU leadership in July.”

In fact, the truth can’t be more the opposite.

The Financial Times broke the story originally, and mentioned in just one line that Sarko is also proposing that once people are in, they have the freedom to move around just like Europeans do. Right now that exists is a quasi-way, but it’s far from perfect.

But I guess that doesn’t sell papers, or rather, generate interest from a news service doing a hack-and-slice of someone else’s original story. The fact is that somehow many journalists have the idea of generating sensationalism by saying that a “crackdown” or “clampdown” is in the offing for a “problem.”

Sarkozy is looking at Europe-wide standards for deporting those in Europe illegally and cutting down on shopping by asylum seekers. Sure, but it’s hard to see how this is a “CRACKDOWN” as the UPI screams. It’s merely harmonizing a patchwork of laws.

Something else the rocket scientists at UPI forgot to put in… these proposals are being made by Sarko ahead of his country’s six-month turn at the head of the European Union. Countries have a history of making big proposals and pronouncements during the run-up to this period, but it usually ends in not much. Specially when European Parliament elections are coming up in 2009.

So, nothing to get excited about for now. Unless you’re a hack at UPI.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

How Do I Find a Job in Europe?

I've had a few emails from people recently who were either looking for jobs in Europe or in a hurry to board a plane and drop everything in the process. So, I thought I'd put up a few words of advice. We'll be expanding the DIY Expat site (yet again) in the near future with a couple of really, really cool tools which will take some of the pain out of job seeking.

So, in no uncertain order, here are a few tips:
1- If you're job hunting in Europe and you already have a job, don't leave your current position until you have everything signed, sealed and delivered. That means having a signed contract, the necessary visas in hand and a formal plan. That way, if something falls through, you're covered and not left high and dry.

2- You may be tempted to drop everything and go to Europe with the hope of finding something there. That's not much of a strategy, specially if you have no contacts, friends, family, loved ones or others there. Some countries will also not allow you to change status once you are in the country. (The UK will not for example.)

3- Shop around. Some people, I've noticed, become fixated on a geographic location (London, Madrid, wherever). They may, though, be something nearby or elsewhere in Europe which would be just as good. This little secret is something that I clued into only after years of living in Europe.

For example, Paris is a beautiful place, and many people would not think of living in Brussels. Many French people, and former residents of the French capital, prefer the latter to the former. They say that the food is better, prices lower, people nicer, and if you want to go see Paris, the train gets you there in 1h20. Some who've lived in Amsterdam say that Brussels is the most boring place that they've ever been, even if the locals are marginally better behaved than the Dutch.

Anyway, just a few thoughts for a Saturday morning........

Monday, March 24, 2008

New Update

Well I've been knocking myself out lately, and there's a new update to the DIY Expat Guide. This marks the second major update in two months, but the big thing this time is 25 pages (A4 pages) of prime jobs links for 15 European countries.
I've checked each of the links, reviewed a bunch and included others which I will be reviewing at a later date. In the meantime, it means that when you buy the DIY Expat Guide, you get not only the most information about work permits and beneficial residency visas for non-EU citizens, you also get one of the most complete job website listings in existence. Sites which feature English pages have been highlighted, but for those intrepid souls we've included local language sites too!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

I want everything...

Selling something in a competitive marketplace means being better than the competition. That works if you're selling DVD players, baseball cards, on-line books.... whatever. That's because the successful business person wants to see a profit and continue to see a profit. The old adages about a happy customer are true, but only if that customer is paying for something.

From a business points of view, I think it's pretty odd that someone would expect me to go through a large amount of time, expense and headache to put together a top-flight product which I would then give away for no discernable purpose or gain.

I was aware of this when I first started writing the book, so in addition to all of the content about the countries, I added original content to make all of that information usable, and understandable, to the average reader. These are people who want to eventually get to enjoy some of the benefits that I do from working in Europe, such as employer health care, full pension and five weeks of holiday every year, not waste months and years learning about the complexities of immigration laws sitting in a basement in Seattle or Bangalore.

So, why blunder for months when you can have the inside track about Germany, and the rest of the European Union, from one source in plain, readable English... now.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Bringing an Unmarried Partner to Europe

I recently had the following question com in to the website. It was well thought out and on-target... just the kind of email which is easy to respond to.

From Sally:

Dear Joe Freeman,

I briefly read over your article "Europe Wants You : Opportunities for Working in Europe are Expanding for Non-European Citizens."

I was hoping you could point me in a good direction. I am looking to go live with my boyfriend in the south of Ireland, I will have living accomodations and a means of travel, but would still like to get a job that will improve my resume. I am a recent college graduate with an economics degree. Right now I am in insurance, and could make a change, so it's really about being with my boyfriend.

Thank you so much,

My response:

Dear Sally,

Reading your email, I think you might have a few options. Things depend on your boyfriend's nationality, if he's Irish or a national of another EU country, you will probably have more options than if he isn't.

If he is (Irish/EU), then look into what possibilities there are for unmarried couples in Ireland. It used to be that only those who were married could apply for family reunification, but this may have changed. I do know that it's possible to live as an unmarried couple in the UK, Belgium, Netherlands or Sweden. The local conditions vary, though, as to what officials will deem a solid relationship and what kind of evidence
they're looking for.

You also might look into a program run by BUNAC which allows you to work in Ireland for up to four months and gives you a work permit from the get-go. (So, if you want to take up a job in Ireland, you can and, temporarily, don't need a work permit.)

Best regards,


Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Fourth Edition is out!

Our most recent update is now published!

The latest edition has seen the page count go from 125 pages to 225, including significant expansion of information on the United Kingdom, France, Austria, Italy, Portugal and covering strategies and up-to-date information on using EU law to easily move around the European Union... with more rights and freer access to the job market than ever before!

(Later in the spring, we will have an update on the EU Blue Card, self-employment and contracting.)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Schengen, hooray!.. Oh no... Schengen!

Two juxtaposed headlines at EU Observer are kind of funny. One, dated the middle of December says "EU marks historical enlargement of borderless zone". The next headline, dated the middle of January, says "EU passport-free zone blamed for new wave of emigration".... as if no one could seen that once coming....

Meanwhile, hoping to put in a gratuitous photo, I typed "polish immigrants" into Google and came up with this....
... my how times have changed.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What Is a Skilled Worker in Europe?

I recently had a question from a reader who wanted to know about how governments specifically define “skilled worker” when it comes to giving out work permits and eased work permit.

In short, skilled workers have education, work experience, knowledge of languages and other abilities that will help make them to stand out from the crowd. How individual countries measure this, though, is where theory meets the road. European countries like to use four basic categories:

- Income (if you can get above a certain income level, authorities will like you)

- Education (if you have an undergraduate degree or higher, authorities will like you)

- Experience (if you have specific training or certifiable specialized training, authorities will like you)

- Income and Experience (if your prospective job has an income above a certain figure and you have a higher degree, then you’re in)

In some areas, specific knowledge is much more valuable than a higher degree. For example, IT companies will pay top Euro for someone with SAP training. Is there a four-year university degree in SAP? No, and there aren’t any for Xerox either. In order to make sure that companies get SAP experts instead of just people with doctorates in Renaissance German, governments may equate experience and specialized courses with higher degrees.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The EU Blue Card: Getting the Details Right

I recently ran across an article on the proposed European Union Blue Card (exact title: “The Proposed European Blue Card System: Arming for the Global War on Talent?”) written by the DC-based Migration Policy Institute (article link). It was an interesting article, but there was just one problem… portions of it are just plain wrong. It’s one thing if you can document something and come up with an opinion… it’s another if you haven’t even got significant details right. (They didn't goof it like Miss Teen South Carolina did, mind you.)

I’ll give a few examples from the article itself, and compare these to the Blue Card details over on the DIY Expat website. The Institute’s article is in italics, and my comments follow:

Comparable in theory to the US green card, which grants lawful permanent residence based on employment in addition to family relationships or refugee/asylee status…

European governments like to use the term Green Card, but they don’t actually have anything comparable. For example, in the States, if you lose your job, you still have your Green Card. (That’s permanent residency.) Lose your job in Europe, and after a few months if you haven’t landed something new, you’re out.

But there are disparities between EU Member States…In theory, a Blue Card system would aim to reduce these differences, and increase Europe's attractiveness as a whole.

Actually, the Blue Card would make it easer to attract people to work in Europe, specially on the Continent. By promoting labor mobility, skilled people might be more apt to circulate, and it would be easier for businesses to get the workers that they need.

(…The article is then OK for a while…) The current institutional context for building common EU immigration policies means Member States retain firm control over who enters their countries.

They retain some control about how people initially enter, but many countries already have eased work permits or Green Cards of their own in place. The new EU permanent residency permit also gives holders a limited right of residency in all but three Member States.

…instead of replacing current national systems, the legislation would prevent Member States from applying more advantageous rules to attract the highly skilled. This approach does not reflect the reality that European countries increasingly compete with each other… the proposal aims to create a level playing field but may be perceived as constraining those countries already capable of attracting workers, such as the United Kingdom.

I’ve actually never heard of this. If you look at the directive on permanent residency, which kind of serves as a legal forerunner of the Blue Card, Member States are allowed to give permanent residency on more favorable terms than the directive sets out. At the same time, they cannot set out more restrictive terms. (They can, however, set local conditions on access to the labor market, ask for proper housing, etc. The DIY Expat Guide goes further on this and actually tells you what you need to be able to move around, not just that you can.) I honestly think that nations would be able to continue to offer beneficial work permits, etc. on national terms… recipients just wouldn’t be able to move around.

Beyond labor-market safeguards that may do more harm than good, the proposal raises a number of other questions, not least, "What is highly skilled?" The proposal includes several criteria…

There’s lots of debate on this one, and the Institute’s article here is quite good.

The combination of wage disparities across Europe and the freedom to set national (minimum income) levels sets the stage for intra-EU competition for Blue Card workers. Highly skilled workers could be lured away by higher wages in other EU countries once their probationary period is over, while businesses could focus on poaching Blue Card workers when restricted by national policies.

Competition for labor seems to be inherent in this proposal, and the Migration Policy Institute completely misses the point. Right now, people face significant obstacles which actually encourages them to avoid Europe. The European Commission wants potential Blue Card workers to think of working in Europe as a whole, not just choosing between France or Belgium or Spain, etc. In fact the European Commission specifically says that “In order not to penalise geographically mobile workers, they are allowed to add up periods of residence in different Member States to obtain long-term EC residence.”

Following several initial discussions of the Blue Card scheme, … a number of European countries expressed doubts that the European Union could help them become more competitive. At the joint meeting, Germany argued that its level of unemployment means that skills can still be sourced domestically.

Germany is headed for national elections soon, and ministers are playing to their core constituencies. The proposal has the backing of major political groups on the right and left in Brussels. The Blue Card is still under discussion, but it seems likely to pass. (Don’t forget that right now some national politicians are being cranky about anything from Brussels, and there’s a lot of discussion about the upcoming treaty which could radically change the powers that national governments and Brussels have vis-à-vis each other.) It’s very possible that some countries would be very open to Blue Card holders while others would try to remain as closed as possible.

Are the Member States right to be so cautious and on so many grounds? At root, their reluctance is based on general suspicion of efforts to create any common immigration policies in Europe.

Common policies already exist. The form of residency permits, for example, has been standardized, and then there’s the EU permanent residency permit.

To what degree do immigration policies affect the attractiveness of a country or continent? Surveys of highly skilled migrant workers in a variety of sectors suggest that immigration policies per se are not their primary concern… Government efforts to foster the creation of centers of excellence, both in business and academic terms, can help ensure the future success and competitiveness of Europe.

Experience shows that a country’s reputation can be built on how welcoming their initial policies are. The UK’s HSMP, for example, has given it a wonderful reputation among skilled and talented non-EU citizens. A relatively open labor market has brought increasing numbers of talented people. In turn, this has brought more international companies since they can find the people they need. (It’s a virtuous circle.)

Denmark, on the other hand, has invested heavily in creating “centres of excellence,” but these haven’t gone very far. Why? The country developed an absolutely awful reputation because of a series of highly restrictive and punitive laws passed a few years ago. The country’s government has come to its senses a bit, and is now going out of its way to attract people and get out the word that it is a pleasant place to live with flexible and easy bureaucracy.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Experience or education?

Well, happy holidays everyone. I've been busy working on the next edition of the DIY Expat book, and you'll find a bunch of changes (more on that in a few days).

Before the holidays, I had a couple of questions about university degrees, work experience and how they relate to needing a work permit if you're a non-EU national.

European countries differ on the point, with some saying that they'll only take a degree, while others may accept, under certain conditions, work experience at an advanced technical level. This is specially true in areas where people may get ahead or learn on a less time-intensive basis. Bill Gates, for example, never finished university, but was arguably a genius when building Microsoft.

If your qualifications (education, work experience, or some combination thereof) are what authorities in a given country are looking for, then you may be allowed to take up work without a work visa or with a permit under significantly better and easier conditions attached.

For example, if you are an IT programmer, certain European countries maybe happy to have you if you've got skills that are in high demand (such as database building or you're a specialist in some kind of high-end software). At the same time, being an architect, engineer or brain surgeon are jobs where local authorities may not only want to see that you finished school, but that you got your certification as well. (You can always fix a line of code, but knocking down a bridge is an entirely different matter.)

If you're thinking of getting a job in Europe and you have advanced experience, skills or education, think of looking at these eased work permits. Countries which have these kinds of visas include Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Denmark and other European Union members.