Monday, April 03, 2006

Welfare + Disconnected Youth = Bad Juju

Here is an interesting story (posted off of an English language website for those who don't read German) about tensions at a school in Germany. Basically, it seems the kids have taken over a school, and that there are some real endemic social problems among groups living in the poorer sections of Berlin.

One part of the article says that a letter was sent to local authorities from teachers, saying "The mood ... is dominated by aggression, lack of respect and ignorance," said the letter, adding: "We have reached a dead end and there is no way to turn around." (Wow, I could have sworn that this was a conversation between Americans about the Dutch government's latest anti-foreigner law proposal.) Sounds like bad juju that needs hard and soft measures if authorities in Berlin are to regain control of the situation. (Bet this kind of thing doesn't happen in Bavaria.)

Many immigrants and their descendants (and the same goes for 'native' Europeans themselves) have never had to be productive. This leads to some European politicians and policy wonks to hoot and holler about minorities, the "islamization" of Europe, scrounging immigrants, etc., but this is misplaced populism. Both immigrants and native' Europeans suffer from an addiction to easy welfare, meaning that it's possible to stay where you are, doing nothing and going nowhere.

Look at what the Dutch and Danish politicians are saying about migrants these days... rightist governments in both countries have been looking to cash in then play on sentiments among 'native' voters that it is they, not others, who should have access to the state's welfare ATM. The underlying assumption has been that all immigrants are uneducated goat herders/ borderline criminals and should be treated as such. This means all kinds of petty restrictions- overbearing bureaucracy, high fees, significant delays, forced classes on 'integration', periodic 'tests', special laws which only apply to them, heavily restricted citizenship possibilities (no dual nationals, for example), etc.- designed to drive the nasty foreigners (at least those most likely to be on welfare) out the country.

But it doesn't happen. The ones on welfare stay (they have nowhere to go to), while expats, who have jobs and pay tax, turn sour and leave. Or they just don't show up. While the Danes and Dutch are busy scaring off those who would have jobs, the US is full of people demonstrating for the possibility to be given the chance to work legally.

Moral of the story? If you expect immigants and their families to get along in your local society, don't give them welfare. Give them work, opportunities, hope for a decent life and full citizenship, and you'll get the top talent and the best of the manual labor pool... not the garbage at the bottom of the barrel.

BTW- It looks like the morons in charge of the Netherlands will lose the next election, but the new government will have a lot of damage to repair.

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